Monday 4 June 2007

Why am I ashamed to be Chinese?

What kind of asshole would say something like that in public?

Ma Kai, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, promised better control of emissions and to integrate climate policy change into China's industrial and energy sectors. But he was swift to emphasise that a developing country such as China would not sacrifice economic growth to satisfy international demands to help combat global warming.

Mr Ma said: China is a developing country. Although we do not have the obligation to cut emissions, it does not mean we do not want to shoulder our share of responsibilities. We must reconcile the need for development with the need for environmental protection.

The Times, 4 June 2007

Saturday 24 March 2007


近排發現自己EQ奇低, 成日都好mung. 硬係有好多野睇唔過眼, 唔知點解我要為一d 唔係好關我事的事而唔開心, 而發忟憎. 可能呢排真係壓力大gua, 好多野諗...

唔知點解我要一路睇人日記, 一路鬧人. 唔鍾意其實真係可以唔睇, 但又死都要睇, 睇完又死都要鬧.

盡量唔想呻自己有幾多野做, 因為我知一定會有人多過我. 但又好厭惡d 人成日話自己忙到要死 (雖然佢地都只不過係講緊事實). 有時我又諗: 食得鹹魚抵得喝je. 一開始你就知道自己係咁多workload, course outline / assignment / presentation 都一早出晒, 都係time management 的問題, 當然都係取捨的問題. 你明知大把野做, 係都要去玩, 玩完之後又要呻d 野做唔切, 咁其實.... 抵你死ga wor! 有時輕輕地呻下, 可以接受; 長年累月每個星期甚至每日係度呻, 又可以幫到d 乜? 與其係度呻, 不如做多幾分鐘野好過.

客套話同真心話要分得清, 唔好「表錯情」. 香港人就有呢度唔好, 講野唔真 (actually 係幾假). 其實呢樣都唔係話乜野新聞, 只不過人越大, 睇到的例子越多, 甚至身受其害. 唔係話你講大話, 但明明係唔好, 點解係都要話佢唔錯je? 係... 係客氣d, 對方容易落台d, 但我問你意見, 我都想聽你講真話, 如果聽完等如冇聽, 咁我不如自我審查算數啦, 問你把鬼. 點解我唔可以有個句講個句, 要避避忌忌, 呢樣又唔好講, 個樣又怕人聽左唔高興? 點解當我有個句講個句, 就會俾人覺得係我尖酸刻薄, 係我唔顧及人感受, 而唔係我真誠表達自己的感受? 最慘就係你同佢講客氣話, 佢信以為真, 以為你真係讚緊佢而沾沾自喜, 個下先攞命. 於是連帶我聽人地講野, 都要隔左d 沙石, 不過有時都真係分唔清係真心定假意, 唯有聽完就算. Actually 都幾無聊, 成個communication process 係好唔effective 的, 因為廢話、假話太多.

可能我都係唔太識同人相處, 講野唔識轉彎抹角, 唔識顧人地感受. 但我諗....我都係會繼續自私地顧自己感受多d, 繼續有個句講個句.

Monday 5 February 2007

O'Shea proud of keeper stint

John O'Shea's versatility has seen him occupy virtually every position within United's defence and midfield, but even he wouldn't have expected to one day end up in goal!

Having used all three permitted substitutes against Tottenham, Sir Alex Ferguson looked to one of his outfield players to replace Edwin van der Sar who had left the field with a broken nose seven minutes from time at White Hart Lane.

Rio Ferdinand initially plumped for the role, but the duty eventually fell to O'Shea who produced an impressive ten-minute display and helped the Reds earn a second successive clean sheet.

"I'm very proud!" joked O'Shea in an interview with Sky Sports afterwards. "I asked Edwin whether he had a clean sheet bonus when we got into the dressing room because I want half of it!

"When I came on the manager told me to tell the defenders to make sure we kept a clean sheet, so I was very happy to help the team do that. It's definitely a special moment that I'll look back on.

"It was a bit nervewracking," he admitted, "especially when Spurs got a corner straight away.

"Every time they got the ball the crowd were shouting 'shoot!' and when I saw Robbie [Keane] baring down on me I thought he was going to stick it through my legs. But thankfully I got lucky!

"The lads did brilliantly at the start of the second half. We knew Spurs were going to come at us after the break but we killed them off very quickly."

Sir Alex Ferguson was all smiles when asked for his assessment of O'Shea's came on appearance in goal. And he revealed the 25-year-old now has a new nickname.

"We're calling him 'The Cat!'" declared the United boss. "I don't think I've ever had that situation as a manager before. It happened once when I was a player and I went in goal. We lost 4-0 but I made two great saves!

"John did well. There was a debate - Rio wanted to go in goal (And he actually was the first person to pull on the green goalie jersey!), Gary [Neville] wanted to go in goal. But I wanted to leave the back four as it was so we spoke to John O'Shea.

"The first thing he said was I can't catch the ball. I asked Henrik Larsson but he didn't want anything to do with it!"

"Eventually John decided he would go in and he did well, with a great block from Robbie Keane and a punch from a corner kick. He's kept the jersey and all the players are going to sign it for him."