Wednesday 24 December 2008

Le Billionaire

唔知大家近排有冇留意有個新推的樓盤叫豪門, 英文叫 Le Billionaire?

唔知大家見到個英文名有冇d O 咀兼想嘔呢? (雖然個中文都唔係好掂.)


屋苑/大廈名玩用法文用到濫已經見慣不怪, 不過今次係唔係玩大左呢?

真係買左ge人唔知敢唔敢話俾人知佢住係 "億萬富翁" 呢? 或者結左婚之後搬左入去, 會唔會話俾人聽嫁左入 "豪門" 呢?

唔怕生壞命, 最怕改壞名! 呢個名都算係極品中之極品.

Le Billionaire........ Je peux vomir! >.<

Friday 19 December 2008

Who wants a virus?

I tried hard not to burst out laughing when I was reading this in office.

Alex Ferguson dismissed the claim that there had been a gentleman's agreement to transfer Ronaldo to the Bernabeu at the end of the season ---

"Do you think I'd enter into a contract with that mob? Jesus Christ, no chance," said Sir Alex. "I would not sell them a virus. That is a no. There is no agreement whatsover between the clubs.